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news & press




This page shows the latest news from the Centre, plus an archive of all our press releases

(in reverse chronological order)

5th February 2015: Kunskapsnoden 2015

12th January 2015: Snus is a gateway to smoking among adolescents

4th January 2015: Riskerna varierar stort för fattiga (Dagens Nyheter)

4th January 2015: Hivsmittan kräver färre dödsoffer (Dagens Nyheter)

12th November 2014: Positive relationships strengthen nurses' performance

29th October 2013: Biggest ever dataset on causes of death in Africa and Asia

23rd October 2013: Heat causes health problems among sugar cane workers

7th October 2014: Expensive to fall ill in Vietnam

18th June 2014: Fernström Prize awarded to Dr. Nawi Ng

12th May 2014: Suicide prevention for young people in developing countries

7th April 2014: UCGHR researchers map the risk of virus infections in Europe

31st March 2014: UCGHR researchers present new international climate change report

14th March 2014: UCGHR researchers learn about climate change in Indonesia

18th February 2014: Verbal autopsy: to be counted is to become visible

8th October 2013: Selective abortion and increased mortality of females in India

16th September 2013: Primary weight maintenance - a new way to prevent overweight

14th June 2013: Call for commitment to global health in The Lancet

29th April 2013: Warning system predicts outbreaks for dengue fever

18th February 2013: Modifying infants' diet may reduce celiac disease risk

21st December 2012: New scholarships for master's in public health students

5th November 2012: Umeå University hosts new WHO Collaborating Centre

18th September 2012: Cooperation for sustainable urban development

31st August 2012: Mercury, oil from fish at odds in heart health

27th June 2012: Highest marks in Sweden for Public Health

5th June 2012: Climate change is an urgent public health concern

11th January 2012: INTREC programme launched

9th November 2011: Twenty years of collaboration in Vietnam

30th October 2011: INDEPTH Network annual meeting

20th September 2011: Lancet commentary on MDG global estimates

27th July 2011: Global estimates of coeliac disease

1st July 2011: Child caretakers in Nicaragua: report in Spanish

31st May 2011: Global Health a strong area at Umeå University

9th February 2011: Dr. Nawi Ng's Lancet article on NCDs in Asia

30th November 2010: Politics over global health estimates

17th August 2010: Advances in cause of death for policy making

15th March 2010: Desta Shamebo Memorial Seminar in Ethiopia

20th February 2010: Report from EU consultation on Global Health

18th December 2009: News from the COP15 Climate Conference

13th November 2009: Global Health experts challenge Climate Conference in Copenhagen

19th October 2009: Maternal health care reduces the spread of HIV in rural Malawi

30th September 2009: Umeå global health researchers appointed observers at UN climate summit

15th June 2009: Rector of Hanoi Medical University in Umeå

30th May 2009: Colleagues honoured at the University's graduation ceremony

14th May 2009: Umeå and Witswatersrand Universities sign collaborative framework

14th May 2009: PhD thesis on migration in South Africa

5th May 2009: Adults important in reducing tobacco use among young people

23rd April 2009: Seminar on heat and health by Prof. Tord Kjellström

16 March 2009: Centre launches new brochure - download here

25 February 2009: Accra cause-of-death workshop featured in the Ghana "Spectator"

28 November 2008: Seminar on Climate Change and Health

3 November 2008: Swedish Radio interview on malaria

31 October 2008: Umeåprofessor i Lancet ser möjligheter mot malaria

27 September 2008: BMJ news article on Butajira birth cohort (BMJ 2008; 337:a1765)

10 September 2008: From birth to adulthood in rural Ethiopia

25 June 2008: FAS Centre for Global Health Research

30 May 2008: Free online global health resource launched at Umeå University

27 May 2008: Global Health Action - call for papers

25 February 2008: Counting the uncounted can improve world health

25 February 2008: Inadequate prevention efforts despite chronic disease epidemic in Ethiopia

25 February 2008: Leading global public health scientists launch research school in Umeå

9 October 2007: New research institute in global health to Umeå University

16 April 2007: FAS Centre at Umeå University - 55 million SEK for global health research







This page: last updated by Peter Byass 25th April 2016